On February 1st and 2nd, indigenous, quilombolas and traditional communities representatives of the National Steering Committee (NSC), as well as members of the Forest Investment Program (FIP), the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the National Indian Foundation (Funai), met with the key and administrative teams of DGM Brasil, at the World Bank headquarter in Brasilia.
During the meeting, the members of the NSC were updated and the coordinators were elected for the 2018/2020 biennium. The indigenous Srewe Xerente and the quilombola Lucely Morais Pio, who took over the coordination and vice-coordination, previously held positions by the indigenous João Nonoy Krikati and the babaçu coconut breaker Maria do Socorro Teixeira Lima (2016/2018), respectively.
For Lucely, leadership of the Comunidade Quilombola do Cedro and representative of the Articulação Pacari de Plantas Medicinais do Cerrado, the moment demands the union of forces: "Let us fight and work together, join hands and do a good job, because the idea is to move forward with the projects and seek resources so that DGM Brasil can continue after 2020 ".
Srewe, who is also a representative of the União Indígena Xerente (UNIX), had similar sentiments, stating that: "The Committee needs to be more and more concerned with strengthening public policies, especially those related to the environment, and how to attract more resources for the conservation of our Cerrado biome. I believe that many here are already thinking further, because DGM can not rely solely on this donation (World Bank)".
At the opportunity, the 2018/2019 Work Plan was presented, discussed and approved by the NSC, which also sought to articulate strategies for participation in important national and international agendas.