The DGM Brasil second call for proposals, whose deadline ended on November 30, 2017, had 106 expressions of interest registered. From these, 67 were received online (registrations made on the website) and 39 were sent by post. There will be over R$ 2 million invested in projects aimed at the conservation and sustainable development of territories and cultures of indigenous peoples, traditional communities and quilombolas of the Cerrado biome.
The key team, together with indigenous representatives, quilombolas and traditional communities of the National Steering Committee (NSC) of DGM Brasil, as well as members of the federal government members of the NSC, carried out the analysis of the expressions of interest qualified in accordance with the second call for proposals.
During the first NSC meeting of the year, on February 1st and 2nd, the presentation of the methodology of analysis and pre-selection of the manifestations of interest registered was carried out.
“We took into consideration the note of each manifestation of interest registered, we seek to contemplate the greater diversity of indigenous ethnic groups, traditional communities and quilombolas, prioritizing communities, peoples and ethnicities not yet contemplated, we tried not to repeat the same identities, besides prioritizing representative community organizations”, explained the anthropologist Aderval Costa Filho, member of the key team of DGM Brasil.
In all, 11 indigenous initiatives, four quilombolas and four traditional communities were pre-selected. The list of pre-selected expressions of interest can be reached here. From now on, a new selection phase will begin, which will involve checking visits in the communities, where social and environmental quantitative/qualitative safeguards will be analyzed. Only the initiatives that go through the evaluation of the verification visits will be considered suitable for final approval. The result is expected for the second half of 2018.
About DGM Brasil
DGM Brasil joins a global initiative established under the Forest Investment Program (FIP), with the purpose of granting subsidies and supporting projects of indigenous peoples, quilombolas and traditional communities. The FIP is one of the three programs that compose the Strategic Climate Fund, Brazil being one of the pilot countries that integrate it.
It is coordinated by a Steering Committee composed of indigenous, quilombola, traditional communities and federal government representatives. In the country, the mechanism initiated its actions in the first half of 2015 and will last five years. In 2016, DGM Brasil - through the first public announcement launched - selected 45 proposals from the brazilian Cerrado, investing almost R$ 6.5 million.
The Centro de Agricultura Alternativa do Norte de Minas (CAA/NM) is the national executing agency chosen through a public selection process. The non-profit civil society organization is responsible for the management of the resources destined to the DGM Brasil, supporting the projects of the proponent organizations.